Lichen Simplex
Lichen Simplex is a very itchy, patch or area, of dry, thickened, skin. It results from repeated rubbing, itching, and scratching of the skin. There may be a reason your skin was itchy in the first place that caused you to rub or scratch; but sometimes it is stress-related or a bad habit. Itchy skin conditions that cause scratching can include eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, fungal infections, varicose veins.
The itch can get very bad, especially at night, causing a patient to scratch, which will make the skin even itchier. The itch-scratch cycle needs to be broken. Your skin specialist will prescribe emollients, anti-histamines and sometimes topical steroids to break the cycle and any underlying skin condition needs to be treated.
Diagnosis is clinical and treatment gives excellent results. However this condition has a tendency to recur.
Contact Us
4 Clare Street, Dublin 2.
Tel: +353 (0)1 676 9810 Dublin
Adare, Co. Limerick, Ireland
Unit 2, Harvey’s Quay, Limerick
Tel: +353 (0)61 395410 Adare